
Tredegarville C.i.W. Primary School

Caring, sharing, learning together


Tuesday 1st March

St David's Day Celebrations - School Eisteddfod  

 9.30am - Main Hall

Tuesday 1st March

Week 6   3.15pm - 5.45pm

Year 1 FAST Project 

Friday 4th March - Inset Day


Tuesday 8th March

Week 7   3.15pm - 5.45pm

Year 1 FAST Project 

Thursday 10th March

Digital Literacy Workshop 2

Comparison Websites 

2.00pm - 3.00pm 

Our Learning Lounge 

Thursday 10th March

Sherman Dance Performance for Parents


 Main School Hall

Monday 14th March

Parents Evening

Tuesday 15th March

Year 1 FAST Project 

Week 8 - Graduation Week

Wednesday 16th March  

BOP Information for Families Event

2.45pm - School Dining Hall


Thank you to  Action for Children, Willows High School, Communities First and St German's Church for joining us for this event. You provided our parents/family members with lots of useful information.

Wednesday 16th March

Parents Evening

Thursday 17th March

2.00pm - 3.00pm

Digital Literacy Workshop 3 



Thank you PC Natalie for coming into school to lead this e-safety awareness session. You gave us lots of very useful advice to help us make sure that our children are safe when using the internet.

Friday 18th March

Family Learning Signature Session

9.00am - 10.45am- Main Hall


Tuesday 22nd March

Cuppa and Cake

9.00am - 10.15am

 Main School Hall


Wednesday 23rd March

Family Service

 9.30am - St German's Church


Thursday 24th March

Prize Giving Assembly

 9.15am - Main School Hall

Thursday 24th March - Last Day of Term
Friday 25th March - Easter Holidays begin