
Tredegarville C.i.W. Primary School

Caring, sharing, learning together

Football Club

Girls Football Club November 2022.

Girls Football Club October 2022.

Year 5 and 6 Football Club. October 2022.

Year 5 and 6 Boys Football Club. September 2022.

Year 3 and 4 Boys Football Club. September 2022

Girls Football Club. September 2022.

Football clubs.

Tuesdays- Girls Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.  (3.00pm - 4.00pm)

Wednesdays- Boys Year 3 and 4. (3.00pm - 4.00pm)

Thursdays- Boys Year 5 and 6. (3.00pm- 4.00pm)

 Please ensure your child brings a football kit or sportswear into school to change into. Children must not wear kits into school. 

Many thanks Mrs Ryan and Mrs Ley.






We practised dribbling around the cones and going 1:1 with the goalie, who I must say was fantastic and saved so many shots.

Great shooting by all.

We played some 5 a side matches and had great fun. Its so good to be back, We have all Missed it so much.

Congratulations to Year 6 Football star of the week. This young lady is tough, resilient and always shows respect to her team mates, coach and the game itself. Well deserved.

Thursday 13th January. Great to welcome back everyone to Year 5 football club as well as to welcome new children. This week we concentrated on preparing for an upcoming tournament, We practised passing, communication, finding space and running into it as well as tracking back to defend.

Congratulations to this weeks football star of the week. He always shows great drive, enthusiasm as well as exceptional skill. He is always smiling and he is a joy to have at football club.

 3rd November 2021.

Football club has started for years 4 & 5 this week and will be every week until the end of term. Year 4 on a Wednesday and Year 5 on a Thursday from 3-4pm. Mrs Ryan and Mrs Ley will be running the club. ⚽️

Great to be back!!!! Football club for year 4 & 5 returned this week.

We had a few special visitors this week. Can you spot any famous faces?

We did some passing drills and practised one touch ball control.

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed a 5 a side match and all showed great team work, respect and encouragement of each other.

Great dribbling and tackling skills. Great work everyone!

Year 4's Football star of the week showed outstanding goalkeeping skills and made some cracking saves with both her hands and feet. Bendegedig young lady!

10th November 2021

 Year 4 Football club.


This week we practised dribbling skills using both the inside and outside of the foot, 

Running onto a pass and shooting skills and played a 5 aside match. Great effort and attitude by all. 

11th November 2021. Year 5 Football club.

All of the children showed great dribbling skills and cheered each other on which is a great attribute to have as a footballer. So very proud of you all.

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More great skills and attitude by all.

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This weeks Football Star of the week Well done young man, you showed respect, great sportsmanship, resilience and a great attitude towards the game. Well deserved.

17th November- Year 4 Football club.

Our Football star of the week was very proud of himself , he always puts in 100% effort and runs his little socks off.

17th November- Year 5 football star of the week. This young lady put in 100% effort and her defensive play was outstanding. Well deserved and I cant wait to see how well she progresses.

24th November- Year 4 football club. This week we practised tackling and intercepting a pass. All of the children are growing in confidence and skill, but most importantly having a wonderful time!

Live action!

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Exemplary ball skills and to top it off a high ball flick over his opponent. Wow!

Live action!

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A great save by this young lady using her legs. Wow!

More Live action!

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A great throw in and use of the head at goal.

This weeks Star of the week. This young man always supports his teammates, passes the ball with accuracy and has exceptional skills on the ball. Da iawn ti!

25th November- Year 5 Football club. This young man wanted to be the referee. As you can see he took on the role very seriously, became very fond of the whistle and most importantly had a ball!

Great tackling and ball skills by this young lady today.

Congratulations to this weeks star of the week. He showed great respect for his team mates, the game and the referee. Great tackling and ball skills. Da iawn ti!

2nd December- Year 5 Football club. This week we practised short fast passes and increased the distance between each time until we were making long fast passes. We had targets on the goal posts and each child had a shot trying to reach the highest target of 100. Only one boy managed it and he was so proud of himself and we all cheered.

Congratulations to this weeks star of the week from Year 5. He has shown lots of improvement week in week out, great to see all of his hard work is paying off. Self belief and hard work always earns you success.

Wednesday 8th December Year 4 Footie club- It was the last session for this term and the children had a great time playing an extended 5a-side match and the children were set a challenge of shooting for the 100 target or also known as 'TOP BINS' .


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This young man hit top bins, the 100 target and we were all so excited. Mrs Ryan was particularly excited to have caught it on film, so much so she nearly dropped the ipad!

This weeks Football star of the week. This young lady has been fantastic all term, she is brave and gutsy on the ball, communicates well on the pitch and is a great team player who always encourages and cheers on her team mates. Well deserved .

Thursday 9th December- Its our last session of this term and today we warmed up to music, as you'll see, a few dance moves crept in too. Why NOT!

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Warming up for Footie club is so much fun.

These children certainly have the eye of the tiger.

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Dribbling fun around the cones. Great ball control everyone!

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Lots of fun playing 5 a-side in today's session. It was a very close match with the whites just winning by 1 goal!

This weeks football star of the week. This young man is a great inspiring team player who gave a great team talk today. He always encourages and cheers on all of his team mates and his goal celebration is the best ever!!! Cha cha cha style.

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