Caring, sharing, learning together
Monday 5th March
St David's Day Celebrations - School Eisteddfod
1.15pm - Main Hall
Tuesday 6th March
ESOL Class for Adults
9.00am - 11.00am - Dining Hall/Our Learning Lounge
Tuesday 6th March
Families Learning Together Course
Week 6
1.00pm - 3.00pm - School Dining Hall
Tuesday 6th March
Strengthening Families
Week 2
3.30pm - 5.30pm
Tuesday 13th March
ESOL Class for Adults
9.00am - 11.00am - Dining Hall/Our Learning Lounge
Tuesday 13th March
Year 2 Class Assembly - 9.15pm - Main School Hall
Tuesday 13th March
Families Learning Together Course
Week 7
1.00pm - 3.00pm - School Dining Hall
Tuesday 13th March
Strengthening Families
Week 3
3.30pm - 5.30pm
Thursday 15th March
Year 4 Class Assembly - 2.15pm - Main School Hall
Monday March 19th - INSET DAY
No school for children
Monday 19th March
BOP Family Trip - The Royal Mint
Tuesday 20th March
ESOL Class for Adults
9.00am - 11.00am - Dining Hall/Our Learning Lounge
Tuesday 20th March
Families Learning Together Course
Final Week
1.00pm - 3.00pm - School Dining Hall
Tuesday 20th March
Strengthening Families
Week 4
3.30pm - 5.30pm
Wednesday 21st March
Family Service
9.30am - St German's Church
Thursday 22nd March
Restorative Justice
Parent Workshop
Monday 26th March
Parents Evening
Tuesday 27th March
Class Photos Day - Colorfoto
Wednesday 28th March
BOP Information for Families Event
2.45pm - School Dining Hall
Thank you to Family Information Services, Cardiff Foodbank, Cardiff Library, Cardiff Table Tennis Club and Cardiff Museum for joining us for this event.
You provided our parents/family members with lots of useful information.
Wednesday 28th March
Parents Evening
Thursday 29th March
Year 3 Lead Creative Schools Project
Celebration Event for Parents
9.15am start
Thursday 29th March - Last Day of Term
Easter Holidays