
Tredegarville C.i.W. Primary School

Caring, sharing, learning together


Tuesday 3rd July

BOP Child Psychology Course - Final Week

1.00pm - 3.00pm - Dining Hall

Wednesday 4th July

Year 5 singalong with the Golden Oldies

St German's Day Centre

Friday 6th July

Workshop for Reception Families

9.15am start 

Monday 9thJuly

Parents Meeting


Reception Class September 2018

9.00am - Main Hall

Friday 13th July

Workshop for Reception Families

9.15am start 

Sunday 15th July

Team Tredegarville - 5km Race for Life

Please see Miss Powell for more information about this BOP Event

Wednesday 18th July

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

9.15am - Main Hall

Thursday 19th July

Cuppa and Cake

9.00am - Main School Hall

Please come along for a cuppa, cake and a chat     

Everyone is welcome


Monday 23rd July

Last Day of the Summer Term 
