
Tredegarville C.i.W. Primary School

Caring, sharing, learning together

Changes to start of year in January 2020

18th December 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,

I have been informed today of some changes to the start of the school year in January. For the first week back (starting 4th January) all learning will now be online. Children must access their learning online every day. It is very important that all children can access the internet and have a device to do their work. We know that most children will not have their own computer and will be sharing one and that’s fine. Please let us know if you do have any IT problems.


Some children who need additional support and the children of critical keyworkers will attend school from Wednesday 6th January. If your child has been in school this week, they can attend that week. If you are a critical keyworker and need your child to attend from the Wednesday for childcare, please email Mrs Laing as soon as possible. Children must be booked in for this in advance.


All children should return to full school from Monday 11th January.


I am sorry for all the changes. We are all responding to a difficult and fast changing situation but I wanted to give you maximum notice of these changes. If there are any further changes over the holidays I will let you know.


Please can I remind you that it is VERY IMPORTANT that you let school know if your child tests positive at any point over the holidays.  You can contact me by email: or by replying to the text messages you get from school.


School officially ends today and children can take a break from their online learning! Thank you so much for your support this term. I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and a restful break.


Sending you best wishes,     

