Caring, sharing, learning together
Dear Parents/Carers,
School is now closed to pupils. However from March 23rd schools will be used to provide childcare for essential workers. The point of closing schools is to minimise social contact and reduce the risk of virus spread.
If at all possible keep your child at home. When arranging childcare please remember children should not be left with grandparents or relatives that are over 70 or who have any underlying health problems. Children should not be left home alone.
The government has said schools will provide childcare for essential workers. There is a full list of essential workers on government websites.
Cardiff has said that schools need to take children of parents who work in health and social care and the emergency services in the first instance. If you fall into any other worker category from the list we will collect your information for now and be in touch at a later point with details.
For the first week childcare will take place in our school and only children who have registered for this may turn up. After this week hubs will be created so all the children in a given area will go to one school.
If you have any alternative childcare or children could stay with a parent who is not an essential worker then this is what should happen. Please only take children into schools if you really need to.
Many parents contacted us on Friday. If you still want to request childcare, please call the school on Monday morning.
Many thanks
Emma Laing