Caring, sharing, learning together
Welcome back to school - I hope you all had a happy summer holiday. I am looking forward to seeing you all again, and to welcoming our new Nursery and Reception children and parents to the school.
At Tredegarville, we have all been working hard to get school ready and to make sure it is as safe as it can be. Many of the Covid measures that were in place before the summer break will be continuing this term. Staff will continue to wear masks around the school. Children will remain in consistent class groups and, to avoid lots of mixing, we will continue to have the same break and lunchtime arrangements. To keep everyone safe, children will still need to come through the gate without their parents/ carers each morning. Parents are still asked to wear a mask at the school gate (unless you are medically exempt). The gates will be open from 8.45 and school will start at 8.55. Please leave the area as soon as your children have gone through the gate to avoid crowding outside the school. At the end of the day we will dismiss one class at a time from the school gate. Please be patient as this will take a little time. We plan to send Reception, Year 3 and Year 5 out first; then Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6, and then Year 2. You may want to arrive at the gate a little earlier if your child is in one of the first classes,and just a little later for the later classes.
Please help us by:
We will keep you informed if we have any cases in school and will advise you about what you may need to do.
We will be offering all children breakfast (toast) every day in class. We will not yet be opening the early morning breakfast club as we will be trying to keep children in their class groups and not mixing across the school. I know many of you will be keen for the mixed Breakfast Club to re-start and we will review this situation by the end of the half-term. In the meantime, I know you will continue to work together with us to keep everyone safe and learning in school.
I will be on the gate every morning, along with Miss Bethan Nicholls if you need to ask any questions; if you prefer, please telephone the school (02920 483680) to speka to the secretary (Mrs Catherine Chambers) or me, or email me (
I will be your temporary Headteacher for the first half-term as Mrs Emma Laing has now moved to her new school. Mrs Victoria Constantinou is very excited to be taking over as Headteacher in November; she will be coming in to school during the half-term in order to meet the children, parents and staff, and to get to know the school well before she takes up her post.
With best wishes,
Justine Proctor
Acting Headteacher